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Principles Of Corporate Identity Design

A Corporate Identity is a critical determinant of the success of its business.
It is the face that customers and society see, and it is the characteristic that distinguishes the company from others in the business arena.
Corporate identity design represents more than just logos and colors; it is the spirit and identity that distinguish the company and reflect its values and vision.
In this article, we will address important topics related to the concept of the identity of the company and how to design it effectively, including the difference between the identity of the brand and the image of the brand, the things you should know before you start designing a complete business identity for your project, and the most important tips to consider for successfully designing a complete company identity.

What is the Corporate Identity?

The design of the Corporate Identity is the overall representation of its personality and distinctive features that distinguish it from other companies in the market.

The identity consists of several Items including:

  • Logo and Trademark:
    The logo and brand are an essential part of the Corporate identity.
    They must be unique and distinctive, reflecting the vision and values of the company.

  • Mission and Vision:
    The Corporate identity depends on its mission and vision, which it wants to convey to its audiences, and the goals it seeks to achieve.

  • Values and culture:
    Values and culture include norms and principles that manage the Corporate behaviour, work, and orientation.

  • Style and colors:
    visual identity design, related to how to communicate with customers and design sites, products, and services, including use of colors and general style.

  • Strategic direction:
    This component reflects the Corporate overall objective and the strategies it will adopt to achieve this goal.

    Personality and voice identity relate to how a company talks and interacts with its audience, including the method and accent used.
    These elements combine to shape the identity of the company and contribute to determining how customers see the company and distinguish it from its competitors

What is the difference between a brand identity and a brand image?

Brand identity and brand image are important concepts in marketing and brand management. It differs in its concept and impact on corporate guidance and interaction with customers. The following is the difference between them:

Brand Identity: 

It is the unique and distinctive character of the brand, and includes a range of items that distinguish the brand from others. Business identity design includes the following elements:

  • Logo:
    The visual symbol that represents the brand.

  • Colors and tones:
    colors that accompany the logo and represent the character and unique identity of the brand.

  • Graphic design:
    the pattern of the lines, shapes, and designs used by the brand.

  • Voice logo:
    the unique sound that characterizes the brand.

  • Optical logos and approved symbols:
    components that enhance identity and excellence.

Brand identity helps build brand identity and uniqueness and reflects what brand represents and values.


Brand Image:
is how customers and the general public view the brand. The image of the brand depends on the customer experiences, visions, and impressions they gain based on their interactions with the products and services provided by the brand.

Factors affecting the brand’s image include:

  • Quality and Performance:
    The efficiency of products or services provided by the brand.

  • Customer Experience:
    Customer experiences with products or services and how they affect customer satisfaction.

  • Communication andpublicity:
    how the brand communicates with customers and how it is promoted.

  • Social feedback and media:
    how to evaluate the public and public opinion of the brand.

The brand image reflects the impressions and feelings the public holds about the brand and significantly affects their choices and loyalty.

Thus, the brand identity is how to represent the brand distinctively while the brand image is how customers and the general public see it based on their experiences and interactions.

The importance of designing a corporate identity

Company identity design is the process of forming and identifying the company’s unique and distinctive identity. This includes a range of items such as the logo, colors, fonts, photos, symbols, and the general style of the company’s brand.
Here are some points that illustrate the importance of designing a corporate identity:

  • Discrimination and brand recognition:
    Identity design helps distinguish the company from other competitors and facilitates the process of brand recognition.

  • Confidence-building:
    An elaborate brand identity helps build customer and consumer confidence and provides a sense of professionalism.

  • Promote a preliminary impression:
    An attractive and elaborate design helps to highlight the company’s first positive impression and can play an important role in attracting more customers.

  • Enhancing communication and communication:
    The company identity helps to effectively convey the company’s message and philosophy, thus improving communication with customers and explaining what the company offers.

  • Support the marketing strategy:
    Company identity design contributes to enhancing marketing strategies by identifying goals and attitudes that reflect the company’s vision.

  • Harmonization and coherence:
    Brand identity design works to achieve consistency in all aspects of the company, helping to build coherence between the various activities, products, and services offered by the company.

  • Increase brand value:
    The company’s strong and distinctive identity helps to increase the value of the brand and its ability to innovate and develop in the market.


The design of the company’s identity is therefore of great importance in building and promoting identity, discrimination and brand recognition, helping to achieve the company’s objectives and enhancing its success in the market.

What should you know before designing a business identity for your project?

Before you start designing a business identity for your project, you should conduct a comprehensive study and strategic analysis to ensure that the design reflects your vision and fits with your business identity and message.
Here are a few things you should know and consider before you start your corporate identity design process:


  • Understanding and Vision:
    A deep understanding of the vision and objectives of the project and what the company seeks to achieve.

  • Target and target audience:
    Know the targets and potential customers of your project; understand their needs and preferences.

  • Competition and market:
    Examine competitors and understand current design patterns and trends in the market.

  • Message and Values:
    Identify the core message you wish to communicate and the values that the company features.

  • Logo and essential elements:
    Identify the logo, colors, lines, and images that will form part of the brand identity.

  • Uniqueness and excellence:
    Uniqueness and how to distinguish your project from competitors and make it special in the market.

  • Visual communication and public appearance:
    How a business identity will appear via different means, such as websites, social media, and propaganda materials.

  • Design and implementation budget:
    Identify the budget allocated to the identity design process and ensure that the design is in line with this budget.

  • Develop a clear marketing strategy:
    Develop a strategy for how to use business identity to enhance marketing processes and communication with customers.

  • Consult specialists and professionals:
    Collaborate with a professional design team or business identity consultants for accurate guidance.

Defining a clear vision for your project, understanding the market, customers and competitiveness, and defining the mission and values of the company are key steps before embarking on a business identity design process to ensure maximum benefit and success for your brand

10 Important Tips for Designing Corporate Identity

Designing a complete company identity is a comprehensive and complex process that requires careful strategic guidance and plans. Here are some important tips that can help you design a successful company identity:

  • You should start with an in-depth understanding of the mission and vision of the company and the values you cherish. This will help you formulate an identity that accurately reflects the company’s identity.
  • Study the target audience and their needs and preferences, just as you should study competitors and understand the current trends in the market.
  • Select the logo, colors, lines, and icons that represent the company’s unique identity and reflect its personality.
  • Be sure to standardize the use of key elements of identity in all of the company’s media, such as the website, marketing materials, and social media.
  • Listen to feedback from customers, employees, and partners, and take advantage of it to make continuous improvements in brand identity.
  • Try to be innovative and create a unique element that distinguishes your company’s identity from others and reflects its uniqueness.
  • If you are not experienced in identity design, you can consider cooperating with an experienced design agency in this field.
  • Prior to the definitive application of the ID, he introduced a set of forms for employees and customers to get feedback on potential improvements.
  • Remember that the business identity is not fixed but must evolve as the company develops and the market changes.

Designing a corporate identity requires a deep understanding, listening to the public, and working to represent the company’s identity uniquely and distinctively in all operational and marketing aspects.

How Sara Advertising helps you design your corporate identity

Sara Advertising Agency is a premium choice in the world of corporate business identity design.
It is the best business identity design company, featuring a team of creative professionals who combine expertise and technical vision to deliver amazing business identities.
Their work involves designing unique logos, choosing the right colors, and using elaborate fonts, helping companies build a strong image and banner in the business arena.
If you are looking for an exceptional business identity that expresses your vision and attracts your audience, Sara Advertising is the perfect partner to achieve this