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Emotional Marketing

In the world of Digital marketing, relying on simple strategies has become the foundation of sales and brand building, for example, when creating your marketing plan you should use emotional Marketing Strategies because the real power of your brand success lies in reaching out to customers’ hearts and communicating with them on an emotional level. Get ready to discover the magic of emotional marketing.

Content Table

  • Definition of emotional marketing.
  • The importance of emotional marketing.
  • Emotional Marketing Strategies.
  • The impact of emotions on consumer behaviour.
  • Conclusion.

Definition of emotional marketing

Emotional marketing is a definition of any decision a customer makes based on their emotions or feelings, an example of which you may ask your friend “why do you eat from that restaurant continuously?
Because I love him or I like to eat him.

Here, the decision stems from the heart and does not carry a specific psychological side, which is the passion towards the product or service.

We define emotional marketing as marketing that essentially uses emotion in order to attract public attention, and drive it to share and buy the product, so we always find that companies exploit the psychological factor of the customer to attract them to your product.

The importance of emotional marketing

The power of emotional marketing makes you special among competitors, imagine that there is an ad to sell a product that speaks with numbers, algorithms and a competitor’s ad that made you cry or laugh, which you will choose?

Although current customers are aware and aware, the final word of the purchase goes to emotions.
The importance of emotional marketing is:

  • Creating a deep connection: Emotional marketing helps create connections between brand and customers. When they feel that the brand understands their need and cares about their feelings.
  • The impact of purchasing decisions: a lot of buying decisions depend on emotions. When effectively channelling emotions through customer-serving strategies, emotional marketing can influence the purchase decision and increase its likelihood.
  • Brand distinction: Brand awareness and distinction are enhanced in the customer’s mind when your brand can create a unique emotional experience for customers.
  • Transparency and Trust: Emotional marketing enhances trust between customers and the brand when they feel that the brand deals with them honestly and cares for their interest.

Emotional Marketing Strategies

There are many strategies that you can use to market your brand using emotional marketing, so let’s show you the most important strategies used:

1- Know your audience:

Before you start executing your plan or even planning you should know who your propaganda message is for.

Are the reasons that drive your feelings towards joy or sadness the same as those of older people? Surely you don’t have to know your audience first to determine how your customers will happen.

2- Use of appropriate colors:

Have you ever heard of color science? Colourology is the scientific study of colors and includes the science of lighting and optics, measuring light and color.

Have you ever wondered why color use varies in the type of each business?

– Red color indicates daring, it represents the color of energy and increases the heart rate of excitement.

– Yellow color shows optimism and warmth and is often used in stores to attract the attention of shoppers.

– Green color indicates the environment and promotes educational and calming activities, green is the easiest color treated by the eye to prevent feeling relaxed in stores.

All those examples indicate how only colors can help you with emotional marketing strategies.


3- Linking the product to a story:

The best way to sell a product or link a product to emotional marketing is to tell a story about the product. The story can be sad and it can be happy.

It doesn’t matter if the story is fictional or realistic. Many brands exploit storytelling to increase audience interaction.

For example, you can imagine a two-person story, but its first and final goal is to connect the story to the product to ensure that emotional marketing strategies are achieved.


4- Take care of visuals:

One of the most important current strategies for emotional marketing is attention to visuals with the aim of creating feelings in customers in order to achieve a specific goal. One example is the publication of images of food that provoke hunger among some customers, or the creation of specific feelings that are interconnected with the product such as: loneliness? The burger sandwich is the best partner for midnight. By linking the loneliness feeling after midnight with the burger sandwich the customer automatically moves to buy the product and links it to the idea that the solution to eliminate loneliness is hunger.

The impact of emotions on consumer behaviour

Despite all the surrounding developments and paper analyses, humans rely on emotions to make decisions about buying.

Although there are many feelings, 4 are basic ones that we can follow to achieve marketing with emotion:

– Happiness

– Grief

– Anger

– Fear

For example, anger and fear of feelings that move when making an immediate decision to do something can have an impact on commanders’ mobility and the start of war to fight.

Sadness and joy are the most influential feelings for customer decision in the marketing process. Research indicates, for example, that news or words with negative or sad feelings tend to attract 65% of customers from other feelings.


In conclusion, we remind you of a popular marketing saying, “People don’t usually buy for logical reasons, they buy for emotional reasons.”

Through this article we talked about emotional marketing and its role in making the purchase decision for your customer so start with us implementing the emotional marketing strategy for your business now.